Furball ... my fox. We started our lifesized mounts today. Mine is a red fox that will be sitting and panting. This is what it looks like right now. (Pretty awful, no?)

Before the eyes were set.

One eye set!

Other eye set!

Deer! Done!

Paper towels help the nose to dry in shape.

View from below ... probably how it will be seen.

Angie with my deer.

From above.
Our deers actually turned out really nicely. We used a whole bottle of hair gel on them, pretty much. The eyes were hard to set and to get even. The back seam was easy to hide -- we used a hammer to push it in to the form and then we put T-pins in place to hold down hardware cloth. (This is so the hair won't dry in little tufts along the seam line.)
A look around the studio!